Archives mensuelles : avril 2022

Intel Works with AI Ecosystem to Accelerate ML Training Using Intelligent Ethernet Switches

Learn how Intel’s recent work with SwitchML technology lets intelligent Ethernet switches streamline network communication to accelerate machine learning training.

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Python Data Science and Machine Learning at Scale

Intel is working to improve workloads for artificial intelligence (AI) developers and data scientists by offering a wide variety of AI Python optimizations and tools.

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Deep Knowledge as the Key to Higher Machine Intelligence

While not expected to reach the goals of open-ended artificial general intelligence (AGI), AI with higher cognitive capabilities will play a new role in technology and business.

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Cognitive Computing Research: From Deep Learning to Higher Machine Intelligence

Deep learning (DL), a transformative branch of machine learning and more broadly artificial intelligence (AI), is poised to transform every business segment and industry. Breakthroughs in DL hardware and software, as well as a massive expansion in DL-based capabilities and solutions from … Continuer la lecture

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Next, Machines Get Wiser

Deep learning (DL) will continue to make significant progress in technical capabilities and scope of deployment across all aspects of life, including revolutionizing healthcare, retail, manufacturing, autonomous vehicles, security and fraud prevention, and data analytics. However, to build the future of … Continuer la lecture

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Efficiency, Extensibility and Cognition: Charting the Frontiers

The rapid growth of deep learning (DL) is incredible. Progressing and enabling innovation at a breathtaking clip, DL is expected to drive technological progress and industry transformation for years to come.

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The Rise of Ethical Facial Recognition

How ethical facial recognition can identify security threats in real time with Oosto (formally AnyVision). 

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Bringing Enterprises into the AI Space

Complex workloads demand complex methodologies. When the measure of a business’s success is how efficient and quick its processes are, AI seems to be the answer. 

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Quantizing ONNX Models using Intel® Neural Compressor

In this tutorial, we will show step-by-step how to quantize ONNX models with Intel® Neural Compressor.

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AI in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Solving the n-i, n Problem

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool to transform vast amounts of manufacturing data into insights that can improve the manufacturing process. To maximize success, Intel has fine-tuned its approach to AI in manufacturing by focusing on those applications that … Continuer la lecture

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