Archives mensuelles : septembre 2022

OpenVINO™ integration With TensorFlow Now Comes With Docker Support

An illustrated guide on using Docker with Intel’s OpenVINO™ integration with Tensorflow*

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YOLOv5 Model INT8 Quantization based on OpenVINO™ 2022.1 POT API

How to use OpenVINOTM 2022.1 Post-training Optimization Tool (POT) API for YOLOv5 Model INT8

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The Example of Deploying YOLOv7 Pre-trained Model Based on the OpenVINO™ 2022.1 C++ API

How to deploy the YOLOv7 official pre-trained model based on the OpenVINO™ 2022.1 tool suite.

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Optimizing Graph Neural Network Training Performance on Intel® Xeon®

In this article, we focus on the performance of GNN training for node classification on modern, general-purpose compute engines – the Intel® Xeon® family of CPUs.

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The Power of Intel® Hardware for Billion-Scale Similarity Search

In this blog, we describe a solution that reaches new heights along all of these dimensions by leveraging the computational capabilities of Intel® Xeon® and the access characteristics of Optane™ Persistent Memory

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Intel and Intel Labs Develop New AI Methods to Restore Trust in Media

Intel Labs’ trusted media research team investigates new approaches to help determine the authenticity of media content.

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Solving Hard Optimization Problems with Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Technology

At Intel, we are exploring stochastic spiking neural networks (SSNN) on our second-generation Loihi chip, which transmits data through patterns of pulses (or spikes) between neurons.

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Intel Labs’ Validate on Sim, Detect on Real (VSDR) Narrows Sim2Real Gap in Robot Learning

Intel Labs, in collaboration with the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, developed a “Validate on Sim, Detect on Real” (VSDR) approach for learning robotic skills. 

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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage: Javier Turek’s Story from Intel Labs

During Hispanic Heritage Month, we proudly celebrate the culture and contributions of the Latinx community.

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Kid Space: Re-imagining the Potential of Technology-Mediated Learning

Kid Space incorporates audio and vision hardware components and AI technologies to create an adaptive and engaging learning environment.

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